Hello and welcome to my Itch.io page.
Here you will find the companion piece to my writing portfolio (found here).
This is where I want to showcase the various game concepts that I've worked on.
Casual Chatter is a rhythm game concept that was submitted as part of Circuit Stream Game Jam 2023.
Teams were tasked with creating a small game based on a chosen theme - this was "an inconvenient superpower" for which our team decided on the ability to create literal explosive dialogue.
I developed part of the spoken dialogue while keeping the tone light, fun, and with a pinch of sarcasm throughout.
Questing for Castleton is a prototype of a visual novel I created using a combination of Twine and an AI image generator. The idea was to create a sense of player choice by encouraging them to use a form of random number generation to decide which path to take.
My second attempt at creating a maze in Unreal. This time I added an enemy unit to stalk and follow players throughout the experience. Behavior was implemented using Blueprints and a lot of trial and error.
One of my first learning exercises with Unreal Engine. Here I created a simple maze.